Fair Work Act 2009
s.285 - Annual wage reviews to be conducted
Annual Wage Review 2013–14
[1] In a Statement by the President on 17 July 2013, the Fair Work Commission invited
submissions from parties in relation to the establishment of a research program.i Submissions
closed on 22 August 2013.
[2] Two research proposals were filed and a public conference took place on 12
September 2013. At this conference, some parties (who had not filed research proposals)
made further suggestions for the research program. Additional material addressing questions
posed by the President to the Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) and Australian
Catholic Council for Employment Relations (ACCER) was also filed on 17 September 2013.
[3] The proposals and suggestions in relation to the research program have mainly
referred to proposed changes in the Statistical Report. The current Statistical Report can be
viewed at the Fair Work Commission website link:
[4] We consider that some additions to the Statistical Report should be adopted. In
In relation to the ACCER proposal for modelling for single-income households
without Newstart Allowance, the Statistical Report will be amended to also include
modelling for couple households where the household member who is not working
does not receive the Newstart Allowance;
in relation to the ACTU’s proposal for the extension of the estimates of relative
living standards of low-paid workers over time, the Statistical Report will be
[2013] FWCFB 7720
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amended to include estimates to 2004 (the earliest year for comparable analysis);
In relation to the ACCER proposal that underlying data and calculations for the
poverty lines in the Statistical Report be made available to interested parties, staff
of the Fair Work Commission will make this data available to parties on request.
Any requests should be forwarded to awr@fwc.gov.au.
[5] We make some comments below to address the research proposals that we have not
decided to proceed with.
[6] ACCER has proposed that the Fair Work Commission establish a process under s.290
of the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) to investigate data held by government organisations relevant
to the estimation of relative living standards and the needs of the low paid. However, it is not
clear to the Expert Panel how ACCER intends the Fair Work Commission to undertake this
investigation. We therefore suggest that this proposal be further discussed at the Minimum
Wages Research Group consultation following the release of this research program. After this
discussion, ACCER may wish to resubmit this proposal for the Panel’s consideration as part
of the Annual Wage Review 2013–14 submissions process.
[7] ACCER has also proposed factoring in child care for the equivalence scales used to
estimate poverty lines in the Statistical Report. While the Fair Work Commission has decided
not to further investigate this due to resource constraints, parties should note that the
Australian Workplace Relations Study (to be undertaken in 2014) will provide some
information on costs of working, including child care costs. Further, a link to the relevant
chapter in the ‘Report on Government Services’ produced by the Productivity Commission,
which includes data on costs of child care services, will now be included in the Statistical
[8] Finally, ACCER proposed that the Statistical Report include aged and disability
pensioner households in the comparisons of household disposable income, suggesting that
pensions represent a relevant safety net and comparator. However, we are not presently
persuaded that it is a relevant comparator and is therefore not included in the proposed
changes to the Statistical Report. .
[9] Accompanying this statement is a draft research program for review, including
proposed changes to the Statistical Report (Attachment A). Any submissions or suggestions in
relation to the draft research program or Statistical Report should be received by 17 October
[10] Submissions to the draft research program can be filed electronically at
awr@fwc.gov.au or by facsimile to (03) 9655 0401.
[2013] FWCFB 7720
[11] The Expert Panel’s decision in respect of the research program and the Statistical
Report for the Annual Wage Review 2013–14 will be issued in November 2013.
1 [2013] FWCFB 4686.
Printed by authority of the Commonwealth Government Printer
Price code A, PR542831
[2013] FWCFB 7720
Attachment A
Draft research program—for comment
The Annual Wage Review 2012–13 decision stated that the Fair Work Commission
(Commission) intended to give consideration to a research program for the 2013–14 as soon
as practicable:
“We intend to give consideration to the research program for the Annual Wage Review
2013–14 as soon as practicable and will invite interested parties to lodge research
proposals. The research program will not necessarily be restricted to the parties’
proposals.” ii
In a Statement on 17 July 2013, the President outlined that:
“Before inviting submissions for the Commission’s research program, it is relevant to
note that the Commission has already committed significant resources to a number of
research projects to meet the Commission’s previous research program priorities.
The Commission has also committed resources to the upcoming Australian Workplace
Relations Studyiii to be undertaken in 2013-14 which will fill an important data gap at
the enterprise/workplace level on matters that the Commission must take into account
when conducting an annual wage review ... The commitment of resources to these
projects means that there is limited capacity for the Commission to undertake
additional research for the upcoming review. However, we invite submissions to the
research program proposed taking into account the stated constraints, and also invite
comment on the statistical report.”iv
The public conference foreshadowed by the President was held on 12 September 2013. Two
research proposals were received from:
the Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU); and
the Australian Catholic Council for Employment Relations (ACCER).
The Australian Industry Group (Ai Group) and the Australian Chamber of Commerce and
Industry (ACCI) gave comments on the research proposals at the public conference on
12 September 2013.
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Additional information was requested by the President in relation to the research proposals.
The ACTU and ACCER submitted this material on 17 September 2013. Comments regarding
this additional information closed 24 September 2013.
All material received was posted to the Commission website.
Research to inform the Annual Wage Review 2013–14
The following research will be published in December 2013:
‘Award reliance’ (by the Workplace Research Centre, University of Sydney)
‘Minimum wages and their role in the process and incentive to bargain’ (by the
Workplace Research Centre, University of Sydney)
Details of these projects are available from the Commission website:
Future Research
Following consideration of proposals and consultations, a number of research projects will be
initiated to inform future annual wage reviews:
Statistical reporting
Statistical reporting on a range of data relevant to annual wage reviews will continue to be
published on the Commission website and will be updated periodically as new data become
The following additional information of disposable income of household types will be
included in the Statistical Report to inform the Annual Wage Review 2013–14:
modelling for single-income households will also include the second earner not
receiving the Newstart Allowance; and
modelling of selected household types will cover a longer time period extending
from 2004 to 2013.
The Statistical Report will also refer to data on costs of child care services by providing a link
to the relevant chapter in the ‘Report on Government Services’ produced by the Productivity
Commission. The 2012 Report on Government Services1 can be viewed at the following link:
Australian Workplace Relations Study
The Commission is undertaking a linked employer-employee survey to capture the views of
both employers and employees on workplace issues and to collect data on pay equity matters.
It will be the first survey of its kind since the 1995 Australian Workplace Industrial Relations
Survey. In particular, data from the study will assist the Commission in performing its
1 SCRGSP (Steering Committee for the Review of Government Services Provision) 2012, Report on Government Services
2012, Productivity Commission, Canberra.
[2013] FWCFB 7720
functions by enabling research for wage setting processes such as annual wage reviews,
research for pay equity matters and the General Manager’s 2015 reporting requirements.
Details of the study are available from the Commission website at:
Medium-term research review
The Expert Panel will be conducting a review of its medium term research program. The
review is intended to ensure that the research program is strategically focused, having regard
to research that has already been undertaken, including research ‘gaps’ which are of particular
relevance to the Annual Wage Review.
A process of consultation will be conducted with interested parties in the third quarter of
Notification of these consultations will be made via the Commission website.
ii [2013] FWCFB 4000, at para. 601.
iii For more information about the Australian Workplace Relations Study, see the Commission website:
iv [2013] FWC 4686, at paras 2–3.