[2022] FWCFB 50


Fair Work Act 2009

s.157—FWC may vary etc. modern awards if necessary to achieve modern awards objective

Family and domestic violence leave review 2021



Family and domestic violence leave review 2021 – 4 yearly review of modern awards – leave to deal with family and domestic violence model term – Background Document 2 issues – questions for parties.

[1] On 11 March 2022, we issued a Statement 1 together with the following documents prepared by the Commission’s research section:

  A Background Document (Background Document 1)

  Information note—ACTU supplementary submission to the Family and Domestic Violence Leave Review

  Information note—Paid Family and Domestic Violence Leave by business size

[2] Parties were invited to respond to the questions set out in Background Document 1 in their written closing submissions to be filed in accordance with the Directions issued on 8 March 2022. 2

[3] Submissions were received from:

  Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Australian Business Industrial and the New South Wales Business Chamber Ltd (ACCI)

  Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) – Final submissions on evidence; Final submissions and Response to Background Document

  Australian Industry Group (Ai Group)

  Victorian Government

[4] The Commission’s research section has prepared the following documents that will be published with this statement:

  Background Document 2

  Information note—Initiatives to reduce family and domestic violence in Budget 2022–23

[5] Background Document 2 summarises the submissions received in accordance with the Directions and the answers to the questions posed in Background Document 1. Background Document 2 includes some additional questions for the parties.

[6] Parties should file their written responses to the questions in Background Document 2 by no later than 3pm on Thursday 7 April 2022.

[7] The Commission’s Research Reference List has also been updated to include the following:

  Australian Government (2022), Budget Paper No. 2: Budget Measures, 29 March.

  Australian Government (2022), Women’s Budget Statement 2022–23, 29 March.

  Australian Domestic and Family Violence Death Review Network & Australia's National Research Organisation for Women's Safety (2022), Australian Domestic and Family Violence Death Review Network Data Report: Intimate partner violence homicides 2010–2018, Second Edition, Research report 03/2022, ANROWS.

  Morgan A and Boxall H (2022), Economic insecurity and intimate partner violence in Australia during the COVID-19 pandemic, Research report, Issue 2, ANROWS, January.

[8] Parties can make submissions about these additions to the Research Reference List and about the Information Note on the Budget 2022-23 at the hearing on Friday 8 April 2022.


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 1   [2022] FWCFB 31.

 2   [2022] FWCFB 24.